Will the real Chris Matthews please shut up

Via Pajamas Media comes this editorial from Richard Fernandez, with some commentary on Chris Matthews’ latest foot-in-mouth incident: He wants President Bush to just resign today so that Obama can take office sooner. (video at GatewayPundit)

Chris, old buddy, I know that tingling leg of yours must be enough to drive you nuts, but for all your whining about how Bush has stomped all over the Constitution you really don’t seem to give that much thought to it yourself. You realize that Obama hasn’t been elected yet, right? That pesky election nonsense just getting in the way of annointing your new messiah, and your goal of “making his presidency a success,” I know. But you need to wait til December 15th before it’s official, and January 20th before he can take office. It’s kind of how the system works – and that’s per the Constitution. We all know you really don’t care about it, but at least pay it some lip service once in a while, alright? How classless and tasteless can you get, man?

Of course, if Bush DID step down then that would make Dick Cheney the president… wonder how many heads would explode over that one.

[Edit:] Welcome, Instapundit readers, to my corner of the tubes! Take a look around, hope you enjoy what you see.


Because I forgot to post this on 11/22, like the putz I am…

Despite what you have (or haven’t) heard on TV, we’ve won, folks. Those friends of mine who have been over there can all attest to how much it’s calmed down, and I anticipate we can look forward to having (the majority of) our troops home probably in the next couple of years.

So here’s to the rough men like General Petraeus, who have led our troops to this victory. Here’s to the few politicians who had the guts to stick with this and see this out – this was one of the few things McCain did right. Yes, there’s still plenty of concern to be had about Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan (among others)… and here’s to hoping that those in power handle it well. In the meantime, though, we can have our spirits somewhat bolstered by the realization that victory is possible, and real, and in Iraq, realized – something that even just two years ago seemed a distant dream.


Elizabeth Scalia is pandering to the Politically Correct crowd, and she’s doing it at Pajamas Media, which is not the best place to do that sort of thing. She criticizes both “the gays” and “the Christians” for behaving “badly” during the Castro district altrication – you know, the one I blogged about the other day in which a crowd of angry anti-Prop 8 thugs surrounded a Bible study and prayer group and poured coffee on them, urinated on them, grabbed a girl’s Bible and attacked her with it, and then tried to molest the members of the group as they were escorted away by the police. Okay, I think we can see where “the gays” behaved badly.

But what are the sins of the Christians? According to Ms. Scalia, it was “singing hymns and praying for them, which might have seemed both separatist and condescending.” She says this “as a Catholic,” who says she’d feel judged by the fact she was being prayed for by strangers.

So on one hand we have a group engaged in physical assault, verbal abuse, and public sexual misconduct… and on the other hand we have a group who was praying.

Yeah. Those eeeevil Christians sure need a good talking to.

Praying is something we are commanded to do without ceasing, and singing hymns like “Amazing Grace” and “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” are hardly extreme measures. These people were holding a prayer meeting – the same one they held “almost every Friday night” according to the locals – where they prayed for the community and tried to share the Gospel.  This is commendable behavior, not something to be looked down on. I have yet to see a report from anywhere on this issue that says the prayer group did anything wrong, or did anything to provoke the attack other than praying and singing.

Yet Ms. Scalia says that what they did was very un-Christlike. Jesus would never have been so intolerant. I wonder, has she read Christ’s sermons? This was a guy who did not have concerns over coming across as extreme or controversial. Remember, he ransacked the temple and screamed at the Pharisees in public, decrying them as a brood of vipers and whitewashed tombs, hypocrites in every sense – can you imagine someone running up the stairs of the Vatican calling out such a thing? No, Christ was truthful. He was direct. He was loving. But he was not afraid of confrontation, and he was not afraid of what the truth would bring. In the same vein, we should speak truth in love, but be careful that we do not worry so much about appearing loving that it is no longer the truth being spoken.

Homeland “Security?”

So via Daily Pundit, according to a “top Obama advisor,” AZ Governor Janet Napolitano is currently the frontrunner for Secretary of Homeland Security.

My first response was to start humming “ding, dong, the witch is dead,” because her vacating her spot gives us a chance to have someone with an ounce of competence occupy the Governor’s office for the first time since 2002. But then it occurred to me that this woman – you know, the one that’s bankrupted the state and all but openly begged illegal workers to come to the state in droves – might not be the best choice for the position. I mean, she’s outright fought Joe Arpaio (America’s Toughest Media Whore) over the one thing he actually gets right, which is illegal immigration – opposing him at every turn. That the governor who’s arguably failed the most miserably to protect her state’s borders is being considered by our President-elect to protect the nation’s borders is only a further indication of the man’s utter incompetence.