Desperately grasping at straws

Because they don’t have anything legit to criticise him about, I guess?

After pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey in a public display of mercy Wednesday, President Bush will be served turkey as part of his holiday meal. Critics call the practice a “charade.”

Questioned about the apparent hypocrisy of the practice, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel was unruffled. “You should try your hand at open mic night at the Laugh Factory,” said Stanzel. He promised he would attend the performance.

A spokesman for president-elect Barack Obama declined to comment on the matter.

Oh, the humanity! He, and every president since Truman, has done this every year. This is nothing new and nothing to get worked up about. I bet you, though, that at least one of those reporters helped put away one of the 45 million turkeys that got cooked up this year. Hypocrisy, indeed.

h/t: Ace

Giving thanks

I’m working today, so no turkey for me! My family will be having the traditional get-together and meal tomorrow instead. But as it’s a slow work day, I have the opportunity to take some time and put together my thoughts on this past year and how I can look back on it this Thanksgiving.

Since this time last year I’ve started this blog, which has been until recently very sporadic, but a great outlet nonetheless for me both creatively and mentally. I’ve started a new job, back in June, which has gone fairly well for me, although it’s certainly kept me busy as we’ve been on 60 hour weeks since July – but the end of that is in sight, hopefully this coming week. I’ve made a few new friends, and I’ve lost a couple too. But overall I’m very grateful for where I am in my life right now, and I’m thankful God has me where he does.

I’m also thankful for the people in my life – my family, who have always been there for me, and put up with my rambling at family dinners. For my close friends, who keep me sane and grounded through everything that happens.

On a national scale I am thankful to our president for eight years of service. I don’t agree with everything he did, but he has managed to do a fair amount of good among the bad, and he’s kept his honor doing so. I am thankful to the rough men who keep us free – the soldiers of our Armed Forces, serving all over the world. We all owe them a debt of gratitude that we can never repay. I’m thankful that I live in this blessed country, because for all its flaws and scrapes and bruises, it’s the best country this world has yet to see, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

Despite all the chaos of the world and the anticipation and fear and doubt of the coming years… there is much to be grateful for, and today I’d encourage you all to relax from focusing on all that’s bad and take a little time to appreciate the good.

Taking the rest of the day off of blogging here, and then celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow with my family. I’ll be back on Saturday. Happy Thanksgiving, all.