Best President Ever

I mean, in October, al Qaeda was “resurgent, stronger now than at any time since 2001.” But after only two weeks in office, it now comes out that al Qaeda is “decimated” to the point “that it is now possible to foresee a “complete al-Qaida defeat.” Man, he is so good. Why didn’t we just let him take over back in November?

Wait, the reason that al Qaeda is in disarray is due to air strikes over the past six months plus? Well, that doesn’t matter either. See, Obama’s secretly been President for months, you just didn’t know it yet.

A couple days ago the AFP reported, “US President Barack Obama has already used experts within the last few months to hold high-level but discreet talks with both Iran and Syria, organizers of the meetings told AFP.” That’s funny, because in December he was very insistent to point out that he wasn’t President yet, and there was only one President at a time…

“I will continue to insist that, when it comes to foreign affairs, it is particularly important to emphasize that there is one president at a time,” Obama said Monday. “There are delicate negotiations taking place right now and we can’t have two voices coming out of the United States when you have so much at stake.”

Man, it’s a good thing he’s soooo awesome or else this might be a little alarming, don’t you think?

(h/t: Patterico)

Slightly less outrage now.

So apparently Obama either changed his mind, or Fox screwed up the original reporting. Either way, it looks like The One has decided to give the Pentagon an eight percent increase rather than decrease. If it was Fox’s mistake then they should apologize and one-up all the B.S. antics pulled by CNN, NBC, CBS and the rest for the last eight years by actually issuing a deserved apology.

If this manages to get through Congress, it will be a rare piece of good news.


Is this just incompetence, or is it outright treason? Sometimes it’s hard to tell anymore.

The Obama administration has asked the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon’s budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent — about $55 billion — a senior U.S. defense official tells FOX News.

In a time of war, our new president has decided that it’d be a good idea to give $314 billion dollars to Democrat special interest groups and constituents, and then slash the budget for national defense – including severely scaling back funding for ballistic missile defense, when we have nations full of radicalist nutjobs like Iran and North Korea getting their hands on nukes.

Let me repeat: in a time of war, he is cutting the legs out from under our troops, and deliberately hampering our efforts to establish a secure defense.

That’s insanity, borderlining on malicious intent. There is no shred of responsibility in the plan he is proposing, and the very idea that it’s being taken seriously is an affront to common sense. The idea that Barack Hussein Obama is the one in charge of this, the one pushing it and applauding it while his throng of sycophantic doe-eyed worshippers cheer on his every move is disgusting.

Call your senator, call your representative. And if you’re not fortunate enough to have a representative in this sham of a government who can understand simple concepts like “don’t sabotage our military,” then start telling your friends, family, co-workers, whoever you can find what kind of madness is going on in our nation’s capital. If enough people know and care that our president is working to kneecap us, then maybe – just maybe – we can do something about it.

Hey, maybe he could be our first black president to get impeached.

Pre-emptive bud-nip

Blackfive just debunked this fresh “news story” going around:

Defense Robert Gates is extremely frustrated with orders that the White House is contemplating. According to sources at the Pentagon, including all branches of the armed forces, the Obama Administration may break with a centuries-old tradition.

A spokesman for General James Cartwright, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, states that the Obama Administration wants to have soldiers and officers pledge a loyalty oath directly to the office of the President, and no longer to the Constitution.

That’s right, debunked. Not even Obama is that crazy. I hope. So don’t be spreading this one any more than it already has, mmk?

Daily Hopechange for January 28

Day eight, still no unicorn. I’m beginning to lose hope.

Remember when George Bush was leaving a press conference in Beijing and found that the door was locked? He laughed it off, but the photos captured are still used to portray him as a bonehead. Well, apparently today Obama tried to walk through a window to get into the White House instead of using the door. Surprisingly, not many photos of this have surfaced, and I doubt I’ll be seeing it all over CNN, NYT, and WaPo anytime soon…

Also, it appears that Obama suddenly does have Muslim roots. He says that his Muslim family members and time living in Muslim countries give him an advantage in relating to Muslims as he tries to “reach out to them.” What this means, I’m not quite sure, but I do think it’s interesting that a fact so vehemently denied during the primaries is now embracied as a positive attribute. Certainly makes you wonder about John McCain calling any mention of Islam in relation to Obama a “shameless attack.”

And the stimulus package from hell just keeps on rolling… the good news is that the Republicans are letting the Democrats own every festering ounce of it. It passed the house today 244-188, with every Republican voting against it (along with 11 Democrats). As Pelosi said, “We won the election. We wrote the bill.” It’s become plain as day where the Democrats stand now – firmly on the side of pork spending and shady interest groups. Thankfully, this time the Republicans are actually standing firm against this one, so when this house of cards crumbles – and it will – then it will be Obama and his party who correctly take the blame.