Another successful “pay what you want” experiment

In the vein of Radiohead’s famous “pay whatever you want” distribution of its last album, a restaurant in the UK has decided to ask diners to pay whatever they feel their food is worth during the month of February. And surprise surprise – it’s working:

“Anything between a penny and 50 pounds ($70) will make me happy, it’s entirely up to the customer to decide,” Ilic said on Tuesday, sounding confident about the prospects as he sat on a purple couch is his brightly colored, arty restaurant, known for its bistro-style Mediterranean cuisine.

If people like something, they’ll pay for it, the idea goes, and already Ilic has seen evidence that it works.

“Customers have already paid 20 percent more than the original price,” he said, confident that he will more than cover his expenses for the month. “People want to be polite and would be embarrassed not to pay enough.”

I’m glad to hear it. Here’s hoping the experiment is a great success and that others try the same thing.

Super Bowl post

I waited a day to cool down before writing this, because as anyone who knows me can attest to, I was a bit hotheaded after the game last night – watching my team lose and then having someone smash my windshield in.

Let me start off by saying that was one of the best, if not the best, games I’ve ever seen – and sure I’m probably biased because it was my Cardinals in the Super Bowl – so sue me. A record-breaking comeback and then a heartbreaker of a perfect catch made this a game I won’t forget.

Continue reading Super Bowl post

Taking Chance

Via Blackfive comes news of an HBO special that might be worth seeing.

This is based on Marine Lieutenant Colonel Strobl’s true story originally related to us by Blackfive of escorting the remains of Lance Corporal Chance Phelps home for burial. It’s a great story, and I really hope HBO honors the story and the people involved by not turning it into some sort of leftist propaganda machine they’re so fond of. If, however, it turns out to be as good as hoped, this will be on my DVD shelf.

Gaza Update

Those guys are GOOD.

Second night in Gaza Strip: After IDF forces managed to reach their target destinations inside Gaza, soldiers have started searching the area for weapon caches, terrorist infrastructure and terrorists.

The incursion into Gaza, which was launched Saturday evening, has already claimed the life of one soldier, Staff-Sergeant Dvir Emanuelof of the Golani brigade. Some 40 soldiers were wounded in clashes, and over 50 Palestinian gunmen were killed in the first day of the fighting, according to the Israeli army.

The Israel Air Force struck some 30 targets in the Gaza Strip on Sunday night, including a mosque, a suspected antiaircraft machine gun and several tunnels on the Philadelphi Route. The Navy attacked posts belonging to Hamas’ naval force and a bunker where Grad missiles were being stored.

50 plus terrorists dead against a single IDF soldier – not a bad ratio. The loss of a good guy is always tough, but that they only did lose one is an incredible statistic, especially given the close-quarters environment these guys are fighting in.

Israel says describes its short-term plan for Gaza as a “root canal” – digging around for any sort of Hamas infrastructure or supply points and taking them out. So far they have captured the locations of 220 of the 300 rocket attacks made during the last week, which has led to a big reduction in rocket attacks on Southern Israel in the last couple days.

So yeah, I’d say so far they’re doing pretty well. Here’s to hoping they clean it up and stay safe. How about sending them a pizza as a congratulations on a successful start?