OTTAWA – The Carleton University Students’ Association has voted to drop a cystic fibrosis charity as the beneficiary of its annual Shinearama fundraiser, supporting a motion that argued the disease is not “inclusive” enough.
The basis of this idiotic suggestion is the claim that CF “has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men.” Because we white men don’t deserve to live, in the minds of these enlightened, educated scholars. The suggestion alone is absurd – should AIDS research be abandoned because it affects mainly black people? Native Americans suffer disproportionately from heart disease – should we stop researching treatements for that too? Of course not. Even if we lived in a bizzaro world where this insane idea of “racial medicine” somehow made sense, it’s pretty clear that this is yet another case of the educated youth backlashing against the Evil White Man™. But, in an entirely unexpected twist of events, it turns out that CF doesn’t just affect white people! And this one actually comes from a real, live scientist!
CF is diagnosed just as often among girls as boys, although the health of girls deteriorates more rapidly, she said. It is commonly considered an illness that affects Caucasians, but that includes people from the Middle East, South America, North Africa and the Indian subcontinent.
“‘Caucasian’ as we understand it isn’t just white people,” said Morrison. “It includes people with a whole rainbow of skins.”
Behold, the result of modern education! Sure, this isn’t public policy, this is just a university fundraiser – but it’s a million bucks, and a million bucks can do a lot of good. Plus, the fact that there are enough of these people to make these kind of decisions does not speak well for the future.
From a more personal standpoint, I know a couple of people who are afflicted by cystic fibrosis. It’s not a pleasant condition to have, and it almost always causes the sufferer an early death – I’m not talking 60s here, I’m taking 20s or 30s. Maybe 40s. That’s a good 40 years hacked off your life because of a nasty, currently uncurable genetic disease, and these arrogant children have decided to play god with the lives of those afflicted, thanks to this insane racist attitude toward white people. I am not at all happy about the idea of having to attend my friend’s funeral simply because society deemed him an unworthy white.
h/t: Ace