The first issue I was asked to address was that of legalized marijuana. Thank you so much, Elisabeth, for giving me such a non-controversial, easy to discuss topic… oh, wait. Nevermind. You’re trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you?
This subject is obviously controversial, with many people on either side holding beliefs so tightly it borders on religious fervor. Personally, I have never smoked marijuana and I do not plan to. From a Christian perspective, its intoxicating effects violate the instructions we are given concerning drunkenness, and from a personal perspective I just hate not having complete control of myself – this is why I never drink to excess either. I say this to show that I do not have a personal stake in this, and to be up-front about where my biases lie. These strong beliefs, along with the fact that society has such a bizarre and convoluted viewpoint on the subject, makes it difficult to establish any sort of real, balanced public forum or debate on the topic – as California is finding out right now the hard way. Let me then start by addressing some basic aspects of “how” and “why” legalization could or should occur before I get into whether or not it actually should happen. Continue reading Reader Question: Legalized Marijuana?