An open letter to Senator Kyl

This is a letter I sent to Senator Jon Kyl in response to his vote of “YEA” on the nomination of Eric Holder to the office of Attorney General.

Senator Kyl,

Let me preface my letter by stating that I have been a strong supporter of yours for many years, and I have almost never been disappointed. I have the utmost respect for you and what you have done in the Senate, and it makes me very proud to be able to say I have a representative I can trust.

Unfortunately, that is what makes this so painful to write. I see that you voted yea to the nomination of Eric Holder, which is something I had hoped I could count on you to not do. Mr. Holder’s history is shameful, and his behavior under the Clinton administration only serves to reinforce the fact that he is not, and has never been, the right man for the job of Attorney General. In addition to using his power to halt the investigations of the travesty at Waco, his role in the Elian Gonzales fiasco, his role in the pardons of the FALN terrorists and Mark Rich show him to be corrupt, and not someone to be trusted with the position of power he has now been given. I am disappointed that you chose to vote in favor of giving him this power, and would ask that in representing me and the rest of this great state that you return to your habit of voting against corruption and big government as you so often have in the past.

While it is too late to undo this vote, it is not too late to keep up the good fight going forward. These are times when conservatives have little to be hopeful for in Washington, and I can only hope and pray that you continue to be one of those people who we can rely on.

Thank you, and best wishes going forward. You are in my prayers.


Dan G.